Sad story: this weekend, I dragged Philly to the mall to visit Sara as she skillfully managed her underlings at 'thro. There, standing in the kitchen vignette, my eyes were immediately drawn to the most beautiful pool blue latte bowls EVER! There were a ton of little baby-sized ones and only 3 big-sized ones. No babies here, obvs, so I reach for the grown folks sized bowls and then forced myself to lower my hand.
You see, every time I go shopping now, I hear this little Jame-o that sits on my shoulder saying "Hey buddy, is this really something that you need or is this just something that you want? Hmmm? Let's be honest with ourselves and put the ruffled eyelet safari hat down, ok?" The voice gets me every time. It has taken all of the fun out of shopping for safari hats. I digress...
This particular time, the Jame-o voice said "Kate! You do not need any more bowls you crazy moron! Step back IMMEDIATELY!" and, since I always have to do what the voices tell me to do, I backed away slowly, Philly starring at me all the while - a look in his eyes that said "Ah, so, she's finally lost it."
All weekend my mind went like this: bluebowlsbluebowlsbluebowlsbluebowls bluebowlsbluebowls bluebowlsbluebowls
bluebowlsbluebowls bluebowlsbluebowlsbluebowlsbluebowls bluebowlsbluebowls
bluebowlsbluebowls bluebowlsbluebowls bluebowlsbluebowlsbluebowlsbluebowls
I rationalized that if I got rid of 4 of the crappy old bowls currently occupying prime cupboard real-estate then I'd only have 4 bowls. At the rate that James and I eat cereal that would mean running the dishwasher, like, everyday thus wasting 1000's of gallons of water over the course of a few months. Sloths and geckos would die out as the rain forests dried up and the whales - won't someone please think of the whales?!!? By this afternoon, I had no choice but to buy the damn bowls. I don't want some poor humpback's blood on my conscience...
I sped to the mall after work today and ran to the kitchen vignette and guess what:
I almost fell to the floor weeping. Luckily, Sara was there to hold my hand and help me pick out other colors of bowls in addition to my single, solitary blue bowl and it was ok, I guess. But the wind had definitely left my sails a little bit. This is why you should never listen to the little Jame-o voice when it tells you not to shop.
So, I have a quest for you, internet friends. Find me this bowl!

It's the gorgeous one, on the bottom left.
Apparently it's a spring color. Which is so ironic, because I'm an Autumn, but anyway. If you see it, think of me. Think of how I would love it forever and tell it everyday how special it is. If you really love me, convince Anthropologie to send me one.
I think this is where we're gonna sleep. Or have all night dance parties.
This is where we'll have our guests go to powder their noses.
If you buy me a bowl, I will invite you to a dinner party in our dining room. Bay windows, people. Think about it.
I know what you're thinking: the only thing this place needs is more blue bowls! It's like we're sharing a brain.
God speed on your quest, internet.
Mom is ready to buy the bowls immediately. I think it was the brother and sisters comment that really got her. she said "we can buy her those bowls, isn't there an anthropolgie here?" that was then followed by "I am probably getting paint poisoning" haha.
ReplyDeleteFinally YOU PUT IN LINKS. Now get those sites to sponsor your blog. We are obvi a family capitalists by how much we shop.
I also think it was MY voice calling you a moron for buying those latte bowls that are exactly like your other latte bowls except slightly lighter in color.
You are going to love your present that I get you. It isn't bowls but it will bring you "joy"
love you! See you on the 27th!
Lovely bowls, lovely house, but the kitchen curtains yikes. Thankfully you have a better idea. The Moose tea towel needs to become curtains.
ReplyDeleteI know - those curtains are barftown! I'm now obsessed with all of Leah Duncan's stuff and I've got my eye on her sunny yellow rooster towels to dress up the windows, her pretty prints to go in the dining room...bye bye pay check :)
ReplyDeleteI tried :( - then I spent $30 and went back to work.
ReplyDeleteI DID get you something else from a different store, so look for that soon.